Jerome Yuzyk | Mail Me · Browse Me · Google Me | Résumé [PDF] |
Cover · BRIDGE 1 · BRIDGE 2 · Employment · Education | Tools · Computing · OS/2 · Linux |
In 1989 I started BRIDGE Scientific Services to apply my research and design skills to the application of technology to solve a wider array of business problems. Quite often during my education I found myself being asked for answers or help about a broad array of issues, being responsible for the support of several different research labs, and being a naturally curious fellow. At the same time I was involved with technology transfer work involving the University of Alberta and the Provincial Government, and found myself traversing several bridges between the two, both physically and metaphorically. Thus BRIDGE seemed an obvious choice, combined with Scientific Services because I believe the best business solutions arise from applying methods that derive from the rigors of scientific research tempered for use within such a fluid domain as people. After a tenure as "Systems Manager" in the corporate environment, managing a large number of diverse users and applications, I decided to move on to newer adventures with BRIDGE. The following is a walk back in time through projects now on the go and in my past. |
Since 1999 Avra Software Lab Inc. I work with Avra on the development of iPRSM®, a web-based pressure safety management application used by Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation in the petrochemical industry. I am primarily responsible for iPRSM®'s engineering reporting functions, some managing of the server infrastructure that delivers iPRSM®, design of spreadsheet data import/export functions, and other development like Pressure Relief Device maintenance management. I also operate the SizeMaster MkIV Help Desk, providing user support for this Windows-based Pressure Safety Valve selection product. |
2012 D. W. Good Investments, Implementation of WinFund, a WebSphere-based client for the FundSERV real-time investment funds trading system hosted on Windows 2008 Server. |
2008-2009 Love Success Network In a foray into Internet Marketing, I worked with Sherrie Rose on several of her early personal-relationships web projects. In addition to creating and managing her portfolio of 400+ domains, I developed a database-driven push methodology to populate and maintain the portfolio's currency, search optimization, and revenue-generating features. |
2001-2008 Total Integration Inc. BRIDGE provided outsourced technical support for this 10+ station network, first running Windows NT4, and then Windows 2003 SBS. BRIDGE also created their website. |
2002 Alberta Venture Magazine BRIDGE designed and hosted a web application for the (inaugural) Alberta Venture 2002 Executive Salary Survey. |
1998 - 2000 Great North (Communications, Productions and International) Three separate divisions of this film and video production house, with only peer-to-peer interconnectivity, move into new quarters and a new phase in their computing life. BRIDGE implemented first an 80-user intranet using Novell Netware 4, and then an Internet gateway using RedHat Linux. |
1996 - 2000 Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company - Farris Engineering (Edmonton) BRIDGE took this branch-office sales and service shop, a Novell Netware 4.1 WAN node, through a five-stage retrofit: Reconnaissance, Forensics, Normalization, Education and Extension followed by integration with Baan ERP. |
1996 University of Alberta Software Engineering Research Group Part of the Software Engineering Application Framework (SEAF) project for the Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Alberta, working on TRAP-funded development of SizeMaster, an engineering software tool for Pressure Safety Valve Engineering, for Teledyne Fluid Systems. I was responsible for authoring Help, developing Reports, network Testing, and production Packaging. Dominion Messenger Project Manager for IRAP-funded development of DAD: Dominion Automated Dispatcher, OO-based courier-management software for stand-alone or networked Windows client environments. I coordinated the development effort, designed and developed parts of DAD, and authored its Help. PCL Constructors Ltd. As part of a 1500-station OS/2 roll-out the headquarters of this worldwide construciton company needed to provide dynamic workstation configuration. BRIDGE modified a dynamic IP utility and attached it to a customized startup script to configure network, host and system management facilities at boot-time. |
Jerome Yuzyk | Mail Me · Browse Me · Google Me | Résumé [PDF] |
Cover · BRIDGE 1 · BRIDGE 2 · Employment · Education | Tools · Computing · OS/2 · Linux |
CVX/SSXL/0.14 : 2016.11.21 | A branch of The BRIDGE Tree |